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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Cacharel like?

First of all to all chinese shoppers like me, Happy Mid Autumn Festival to all of you! Yes, time passed by real quick somehow and yet fashion changes pretty quick as well! The fashion I would like to introduce to you all will be the Lyrical Botanical Popover Top with Bermuda Shorts Set. Designed by Ling Liu and Dawei Sun's for Cacharel. This set of fashion is more into casual, and yet shine out to be a charming piece of fashion. It's a combination of lyrical botanical print on a popover top and Bermuda short set. Yes indeed, buying this piece of art is gonna really hurt my shoppers =( but not worries! As I browse through blogshops, I finally found a piece similar to the Cacharel fashion piece! =)

Although the color being sold is rather different from the true Cacharel set, but there are similarities in the pattern of the printed top! And best of all, it's affordable! With just RM45 you will be able to try out this piece of top! This top is being sold by Let's Go Nah!, a rather creative name for a blogshop as you can tell, and come with two different colors, black and white top. Both colors is having a different printed pattern, so be sure to make up your mind to go for which color you want shoppers!

For further info or to purchase the Cacharel like Top, do visit:
Let's go NAH! (Click Here)

Say Hello to Envelope Bag!

Browsing through lots and lots of blogshops today, as I need to refresh myself not of what's in style today, but yet what are the changes blogshops are bringing towards their own fashion paradise. I noticed this type of bag while I was window shopping few days back, and really fall in love to this kind of bag, too bad the one I saw is way too expensive >.<

But hey, it's not really about me we are focusing on, it's about the bag! Yup! This envelope bag caught my attention, and the price as well. Well, don't expect much from RM53 bag though. It is best for everyone of you shoppers to be sure whether you really want it or not, as I'm only helping shoppers to find something affordable and in style! If you really wanted an envelope bag with guarantee quality, then this post will just be adding up your confidence in buying an expensive one in any branded shopping mall nearby! Who can resist such bag! The design is simply.... Fabulous!

For shoppers who are interested in this bag, they come in both black and white color! Do visit the following blogshop for future inquiries. Do remember, a shopper who ask questions smartly and in detail is a smart shopper! XD

RM53 Envelope Bag only at: Bolsterstore (Click Here)

Having Only Facebook Shop and not Blogshop? We accept you here!

Not having a blogshop and having difficulties in promoting your facebook shop? Having difficulties in getting other reviewer sister sites to link up with you? We accept you here! As we understand that fashion is not about how you founded your shop, is about how you market your fashion with your own way and with what trend you recommend to our shoppers!

Email us with the link to your facebook page. Simply visit Link Up with Us! section for more info =)

Fashion Takes Action! New Daily Review Time!

Fashion takes Action. Who could have disagree with this statement? In Shoppers Network, we believe that daily review is indeed necessary. Why? Does fashion stops from updating itself daily? Seriously no! Fashion do update itself daily! Just look at the spring fall collections for fall 2012! From Outer Spacious new fashion sense to Fluff Pieces in just a few hours! Look how fast fashion changes itself! Our new daily review time will be as followed:

Afternoon: 12p.m.
Night time: 7p.m. and 9p.m.
Extras: Anytime if it's important for shoppers to know!

Instead of just normal review which we cana find them in all our linked blogshops, we will be doing an overview of fashion sense daily from all part of the world, exposing to shoppers to a whole new fashion in which more importantly, recognised by Runway itself!

Blogshop owners, what are you waiting for? Link up with us with just a simple email! =) As in return, do link us up in your blogshop too to spread news for your beloved shoppers!

We're Back Shoppers!

Shoppers, since our old email is no longer working due to long term of inactivity =( We are shifting ourselves to gmail account! Here the new address for you to do link up, to ask for opinions as well as to advertise with us! =)

: : New link : :


Yes! We're back with GMail

Sorry! We are back online!

So so so so sorry that we had been missing in action such a long period of time! We caught up with our own life so badly that we totally forgot about the existence of this blog. There's some new partners for this blog now, so CHEERS! =)

For all the subscribers who subscribed in our ads partnership, no worries! We are going to extend all existing ads for 1 month! Yup! THAT'S right! 1 whole MONTH!

We will be bringing you shoppers with what we think is on the trend now among all online blogshops that had been subscribing and linked up with us! For online blogshop owners who wished to link up with us! Just email us at shoppers-network@live.co.uk. CHEERS!

Shoppers! Once again, we are back for more shopping!
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