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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fashion is NOT Just about Clothings!

If you think that fashion is all about what's being worn on the body, then you are wrong! Evening shoppers! Just back from university and here to post to you about some accessories for the gadget of all time, the iPhone. What's inspires me in posting this accessories? Well... It's because I'm having one myself, and in the class just now, my friends actually talked about how pretty their casing is, while my casing is just plain black. They make me feel JELLY for their iPhone gadgets! Okay back to our topic =P

Found this blogshop as soon as I sat down in front of my laptop. Hmmm.... Seems like someone intended me to change my casing. For budget shoppers, the price is the main thing that attracts you to shop online am I right!? Here you go, with just RM35 rather than the original casing selling in physical store for RM80 and above, the designs of the casings are creative!

For more info or to purchase these accessories, do visit:
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