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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Post of Appreciation!

Yup! It's 4:00 PM right now. This is not a normal review post, not an extra bulletion for fashion, but what I call a Post of Appreciation! Sounds cool right? =P

Thanks to all shoppers, our sisters' sites and blogshop owners who linked up with us, with just 4days after our review blog is being revived, we hit more than 2000+ page views within the 4days (From 30th September till 3rd October 2012)! Reaching the number of approximately 180 visitors per day, we would like to thank you all for supporting and coming back constantly to check on our reviews.

I know I know... This might not be anything for most of the review blog, due to our inactivity for 2 years, we lost most of our visitors. It's sad to say none the least, but hey! We will still be doing what we love now! We believe that with the support of you all, we will grow well! One day, we will have a golden key to open the Door of Success! Once again, thanks for your supports! Do spread good words to your friends who owned blogshops or any fashion shops =)

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